My Loves

My Loves

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

5 Favs

Last week my sister posted her “5 Favs” and asked others to post theirs.  I didn’t do it right away because, honestly, I see those lists being more for people that are into fashion and style. 

If you know me at all you know this isn’t my thing.  If it were up to me I would always be in jeans, a t-shirt and flip flops (given it was warm outside).  I have just never gotten into or have understood the “art” of putting outfits together.  ANYWAYS….

So here goes my “5 Favs”…

      This website has been a great tool for me at work.  I have an extremely boring job and find myself with hours of time to kill.  I like to spend some of that time browsing this site.  They have daily devotions, daily verses and commentaries to help me figure out some Scripture I’m struggling to understand.

2.)    Running Shoes 
      I know I said I’m not into fashion (and I’m not) but I really do LOVE my running shoes.  They are bright purple and pink and for some reason that really helps motivate me to run.  Is that weird?  They also have helped cut back on pain I tend to get in my feet and knees after a long run.

3.)    Food Network  
      I wish I was a wonderful cook/baker.  I pretend to be sometimes, but recipes with long lists of ingredients freak me out.  And if there is an ingredient that sounds too weird I shy away from it.  We tend to be pretty frugal in our home, so why buy an ingredient that I will use a tsp of once and never again…or at least until I make the same thing again.  ANYWAYS… I love watching people cook/bake things on The Food Network.  It’s so relaxing and mesmerizing to me.  Plus with all the crap that’s on TV today, what else is there to watch?

Really this is about as pretty as I can get my food to look...
4.)    Saturdays
      The obvious reason for loving this day is because my husband and I don’t have to work.  And it’s so nice to know that we don’t have to go to work the next day either!  Saturday’s are when I go for my longer run of the week too.  And while my husband usually has to push me out the door to go do it I love it once I’m running.  I’m enjoying the challenge of finishing the miles given me on my training guide. 

5.)    Lists 
      I am a list lover.  I can’t explain how much I enjoy writing out our grocery list.  I usually start the process on Friday by writing a list of different meals we could have (This usually spills into Saturday too).  I’ll get on Pinterest and see if I can find anything on there that I can add to the list.  After I have my meal list I will write out the ingredient list.  Then on Sunday’s I will write out the ingredient list again, but this time according to the store aisles and store (if I need to go to more than one).   Usually I will go through 3 or 4 different lists before I’m satisfied.


  1. I would pay you to make a grocery list like that for me, and then to grocery shop for me :] bloody WalMart..

  2. I'm glad that you like lists so that there's a trait from me that you can't complain about! Mom

  3. My running shoes are hot pink. And they are my motivators too :)
