My Loves

My Loves

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Traveling Activities

With our trip just around the corner we have started collecting and making piles of things to take.  I have made a list of everything I think we will need and I love checking things off.  I’ve always enjoyed packing.  I like to figure out how to get everything into a suitcase and how to make it all fit into the car.  I’m pretty sure I get this from my dad.  He’s a really good packer!  Anyways…back to the list!  So I’ve been checking things off our list and we’re getting pretty close to having everything we need.    It’s pretty exciting!  But there is one thing on the list I’m not sure what to do about...  (Maybe you can help us??)

Airplane/Airport Activities

Our flight + our layover = almost an entire days worth of travel.  That is a lot of time to kill people!!  We plan on packing books and cards, but how long will cards entertain us???  I’m thinking not very long.  Especially since the only card game I know how to play is I Declare War.

Does anyone have any other flight/airport activities to help us keep busy?  We would greatly appreciate your suggestions! 


  1. I did sudoku and crossword puzzles almost the whole flight to spain, and they helped pass the time. Ive never been good at sleeping on planes. What about even bring crayons and a coloring book. Haha I know that sounds dumb, but coloring is so calming, I love coloring with Jack.

  2. well on the way to thailand i read a bunch and watched a lot of movies! i can't believe it's soo soon!! eep!

  3. I just finished "The Vow" and it's excellent, would you like to borrow it? I couldn't put it down and I had already seen the movie. ~Susan MacKenzie
