My Loves

My Loves

Thursday, February 28, 2013


We always knew that some day we would end up with a dog.  We just couldn't get one right away because of the apartments outrageous fee to have one.  But now that we are in our own home, with a yard and some more space we decided to get our dear little Lydia!

I have a crappy camera, so my pictures aren't great.
She is a Yellow Lab with the most precious face you have ever seen!  

We picked her up from a very nice family this past Tuesday and have enjoyed having her around.  She already understands the concept of "fetch" and is picking up on the command "sit" rather quickly as well!  We do need to work on sleeping at night and not biting.  But hey!  It's not even been 48 hours since she entered our world.  

How is Mittens (our cat) handling this you ask?

Better than I thought.  I was so nervous about her.  I thought for sure she would run away and hid and I wouldn't see her again for a long time.  But she has held her ground.  She stays out, but stays high.  I hope that one day they can be friends!  (Wishful thinking, I know.)

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