My Loves

My Loves

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Because this is a normal place for a dog to chew her bone...

In my shoe bin.  

Silly dog.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day!

I know it's the end of the day, so I'm kind of late posting this I suppose but....

I truly have the best mom!  She has been such an amazing example to me.
She has taught me how to love, forgive, work hard, sacrifice and be a 
good wife (and some day a good mom haha)

Friday, May 10, 2013


Man this week went by fast!  The mornings were slow, but our days/evenings are always so packed with things it makes the week fly!  Anyone else have really slow parts of their day, but because another part of the day is so busy it makes the week go by in a blur?  Or is that just me?

1)  Of course the highlight of this past week for me
 would be last weekend when I completed my first
 Half Marathon.  It was just a big accomplishment for me!

2)  We normally have a puppy play date on Wednesday with good friends of ours.  This we week got them together 2 days in a row!  This was the result of that.  I nice long nap with her stuffed animal "Sonic".

3) A dear friend from church is throwing her soon to be sister-in-law a Bridal Shower tomorrow with little to no help from this girls family.  So I offered my limited baking services and made these cute cupcakes decorated with sand (graham crackers), flip flops (gummies) and an umbrella!  I hope she likes them!

4)  Our bible study group meets on Monday's and this week took our group to some really yummy Sweet Frog!  It's frozen yogurt and tons of fantastic toppings!

5)  See those pink toes??  I took a mid week break with my sister and mom to get some pedicures :)  My feet have needed some help ever since I started running regularly!  I love how bright they are!  Makes me smile!

Have a lovely weekend all!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

My First Half!

Friday night we took Lydia out to my mom and step-dads house to spend the night and day so we could get some sleep and head out bright and early Saturday morning for the race!  She had such a great time.  By the time we got her home she had a new toy and passed out around 8pm for the night!


Saturday morning we had our bags packed and headed out the door at 6am for our 2hr drive.

It was a beautiful day!

When we arrived we honestly had no idea where to go or where anything was.  It was a bit nerve racking.  But after a freakishly slow bus ride and never ending line for our numbers and chips we were on our way to starting the race!  

Trying to get the chips on our shoe laces.

About 15 minuets before the race began we ran into some familiar faces.  My dad and step-mom drove all the way out to support us while we ran! 

Next thing I knew we were getting in line and starting our run!  It was a challenge to keep my pace and not want to go faster at the start.  We did pretty well and every time I started getting caught up with the flow Brett would guide me and tell me to slow down a bit.  

I'm in pink and Brett's in orange.
For the most part I felt pretty good.  But between mile 8 and mile 10 I started feeling pretty sick to my stomach.  Brett helped me stay focused and kept me moving and by mile 10 I was feeling better again.  I'm so thankful to have had him there with me.  Next thing I knew we were done!

Waiting in line for our medals :)
It was such a great experience.  Something I NEVER thought I could do!  I had so much fun and learned a lot.  I learned things I need to do more of or change during training and learned that I really want to work towards a full Marathon!

After the race!
There was a big street fair with a lot of vendors to check out after the race.  We enjoyed some awesome homemade Peanut Butter Ice Cream.  Hit the spot!

Brett's younger sister goes to school near where we raced and so we washed up and all went out for burgers and beer (for Brett anyways).  It was such a great day!  And what better way to end it than with some half priced Starbucks Fraps!!


Friday, May 3, 2013


1.  Breakfast for Dinner on Sunday's Tradition! (Waffles and Ice Cream)

2.  Spring FINALLY arrived here!  And the nasty tree in our backyard has started to bloom!

3.  Brett baked me a birthday cake this year all by himself!  It was sweet :)

4.  Starbucks Happy Hour begins today!!!  Half priced Fraps from 3-5pm!

5.  Lydia is FINALLY on the mend from her surgery!  She had some complications so we have had to wait 14 days until she is aloud to play and romp around again.  Two more days to go!!

Have a great weekend all!!!

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