My Loves

My Loves

Thursday, April 25, 2013


My Meme and Papa

Yesterday marked 4 years since my Papa (my Grandpa) passed away.  I don't talk about his death, or him, very often because I very quickly well up with tears (as I am now and I'm only two sentences in). 

I cry not because of fear of where he is.  No.  I know he is with our Lord.  He is happy.  He is healthy.  He is free from this world.  He is dancing and singing praises to our sweet Savior.

I cry because I miss him of course.  I miss his whole wheat pancakes he would make for breakfast.  I miss his weird dinner concoctions that we now call "The Papa Meal".  I miss working on projects with him.  I miss his voice.  I miss him at family get togethers. 

 I just miss him.

He was such a wonderful man.  He loved his family so much.  He was a hard worker (a perfectionist).  He was generous and kind.  He was funny and sweet.

I wish I could thank him for being these things.  For spiritually leading my family and caring for us.  For watching my sister and I so often.  For coming to watch me cheer (even though I'm sure he wasn't a fan).  For dropping whatever he was doing to come pick me up from school because my car wouldn't start.  For helping me with school projects.  For playing such a big role in my life.  I wish I had another shot.  Another chance to thank him and tell him how much he meant means to me.   

I love him and miss him.  He was the best Papa a girl could ask for.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

And 1 month later...

Here I go again.  Totally forgetting/not having time to blog.

So let's play a little catch up shall we?

It's been pretty crazy around here between training, church activities and Lydia.

1) We've had a busy month with our church groups and church in general.  I can't complain though!  I LOVE spending time with these people.  On the 14th it was Baptism Sunday and what a blessing it was to hear everyone's testimonies and watch them publicly show their love and dedication to Christ.  I'm pretty sure I teared up during each individuals testimony.  I'm such an emotional baby when it comes to stuff like that.

2) We FINALLY (after living here for almost 8 months) painted our bedroom.  We held off for so long to get other things done first, and really who see's our room other than us?  I'm pretty sure the people that lived here before us slapped paint up on the walls really quick before they tried to sell.  They did such a crappy job.  Paint all over the trim and the ceiling.  It makes my painting look crappy because you can still see some of their paint.  Anyways...our bedroom was a poop brown and I hated it.  It felt so dark in there.  But now! it's a light grey and I'm so excited and pleased with it!  I still have to paint the trim (which is why most of our stuff is still pushed to the middle of the room) but here is a picture thus far.

Thank you Bethany for helping me get this done!

3) The half is coming up so quickly!  Next week we head to where the race is located :)  I ran my first 12 miles last Saturday and now it's coasting on 5 or 6 milers until race day!  I'm pretty excited!  Next stop Marathon!!  I have a pretty great running buddy who has helped push me beyond what I thought I could do at a better pace than I thought I could do.  So thank you to her! haha

4) Lydia got her girly bits taken out this past Monday and let me tell you I am not enjoying this processes.  Trying to keep a 5 month old pup from trying to play and jump has been tough!  She has so much energy and not being able to take her on walks or run around has been challenging.  I thought she would be sore and tired, but no.  Not her.  She acts like nothing happened and wants to romp around and chase birds and jump at her toys.  I'm looking forward to next week when this stage is over!

She's getting so big!