Well that night as we all huddled in a random hut near the open area we were worshiping at the church the locals met in was being blown away. Literally. This was the church the people there met in.
At the time we were all pretty bummed that our program had been cut short. We had worked hard putting this program together. We were excited to show the village their first movie too! We had brought a Jesus movie dubbed over in Lugandan. It was a pretty big deal! We couldn't wait to see their reactions and the lives it may have changed. But God had much bigger plans for Zirobwe that night then we had (or could see at the time).
Because of this storm, and the condition it left the current church in, the founder of EAC decided it was time to start building the new church! The extra money we had raised gave them just enough funds to start digging and pour the concrete. Even buy some bricks for the walls! We felt so blessed to be there for the beginning part of this new chapter at EAC. Brett was even able to help break ground with them on one of our last days there.
It was so encouraging to see the men in the village step up and help in the building process!
Since then they have put up the walls and built on the roof! The people of Zirobwe now have a safe and solid place of worship! Isn't it amazing how God can take such a bad storm and turn it into something beyond our wildest dreams?
And this is just the beginning of what is to come in Zirobwe!